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GUO Xiaowen,ZHOU Jia.Establishment and Application Analysis of Evaluation Standard for Clinical Application of Meropenem in Pediatrics[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(2):242-247.
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过晓雯, 周佳
上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院药学部, 上海 200092
目的 建立医院儿科美罗培南临床应用评价标准,并分析评价该药物临床应用现状。方法 在药品说明书的基础上,结合儿科临床相关感染特点,参照相关感染性病种的诊治指南及专家共识,建立医院儿科美罗培南临床应用评价标准。采用回顾性研究方法,对上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院2017年12月—2018年5月使用美罗培南的232例患儿进行临床应用现状分析与评价。结果 该药使用总体合理率77.16%。用药指征符合率96.98%,联合用药合理率89.22%,用法用量正确率100%,病原学与疗效评估合理率73.28%,考核管理合理率99.57%。结论 建立的儿科美罗培南临床应用评价标准可用于规范该类抗菌药物的使用。该院美罗培南临床应用情况一般,针对存在的问题,临床药师应加强此类药物专项点评与监护,促进临床用药安全合理。
关键词:  美罗培南  碳青霉烯类抗菌药物  儿童  临床应用
Establishment and Application Analysis of Evaluation Standard for Clinical Application of Meropenem in Pediatrics
GUO Xiaowen, ZHOU Jia
Department of Pharmacy, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China
OBJECTIVE To establish clinical application evaluation criteria for meropenem in pediatrics, analyze and evaluate the current status of clinical use for this drug. METHODS Based on meropenem instruction, combined with the characteristics of clinically relevant infections in pediatrics, as well as related infectious disease guidelines and expert consensus, clinical application evaluation criteria for meropenem in pediatrics was established. A retrospective study was used to analyze and evaluate the clinical application status of 232 children with meropenem from December 2017 to May 2018. RESULTS The reasonable rate of using this drug in the hospital was 77.16%. The coincidence rate of medication indication was 96.98%, the reasonable rate of combined medication was 89.22%, the correct usage rate was 100%, the rational rate of pathogen and efficacy evaluation was 73.28%, and the reasonable rate of assessment management was 99.57%. CONCLUSION Established clinical application evaluation criteria for meropenem can standardize the clinical utilization of such drugs. The clinical application of meropenem in this hospital is general. In response to existing problems, clinical pharmacists shall strengthen the special evaluation and monitoring of such drugs to promote safe and rational use of drugs.
Key words:  meropenem  carbapenem antibiotics  children  clinical application