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DONG Yingying,YU Chenhuan,YU Bing,YU Wenying.Study on the Preparation and in Vitro Properties of Tubeimoside A Long-circulating Liposomes[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(7):832-836.
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董荧荧1, 余陈欢2, 俞冰1, 俞文英2
1.浙江中医药大学, 杭州 310053;2.浙江省医学科学院, 杭州 310013
目的 制备土贝母皂苷甲长循环脂质体(tubeimoside A long-circulating liposomes,TA-LC-Lipo),并进行体外性质考察。方法 乙醇注入法制备TA-LC-Lipo;采用HPLC测定包封率及体外释放率;通过Marlvern激光粒径分析仪测定粒径和Zeta电位;肉眼观察法和紫外分光光度法评价其溶血作用。结果 确定处方为大豆磷脂浓度10 mg·mL-1、药脂比1:10、大豆磷脂:胆固醇=4:1、DSPE-PEG 2000的摩尔含量为5%。制备得到的TA-LC-Lipo的平均粒径、PDI、电位、包封率分别为123.0 nm,0.134,-1.20 mV,86.2%。结论 制得的TA-LC-Lipo粒度分布均匀,包封率较高,有较好的缓释作用,并能有效改善土贝母皂苷甲的溶血现象。
关键词:  土贝母皂苷甲  长循环脂质体  体外释放  体外溶血
Study on the Preparation and in Vitro Properties of Tubeimoside A Long-circulating Liposomes
DONG Yingying1, YU Chenhuan2, YU Bing1, YU Wenying2
1.Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China;2.Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Hangzhou 310013, China
OBJECTIVE To prepare tubeimuside A long-circulating liposomes(TA-LC-Lipo), and to study the in vitro properties of TA-LC-Lipo. METHODS TA-LC-Lipo was prepared by ethanol injection; encapsulation efficiency and in vitro release rate of TA-LC-Lipo were determined by HPLC; particle size and Zeta potential of TA-LC-Lipo were measured by a Marlvern Zetasizer Nano-ZS90; hemolysis of TA-LC-Lipo was assessed by visual observation and UV analysis. RESULTS The optimum prescription was as follows:the concentration of soybean phospholipid(SPC) was 10 mg·mL-1, the ratio of drug to SPC was 1:10, the ratio of SPC to cholesterol was 4:1, and the molar content of DSPE-PEG 2000 was 5%. The average particle size, PDI, Zeta potential, and encapsulation efficiency of the prepared TA-LC-Lipo were 123.0 nm, 0.134, -1.20 mV, and 86.2%, respectively. CONCLUSION The prepared TA-LC-Lipo shows uniform particle size distribution, high encapsulation efficiency, sustained release, and low hemolytic activity in vitro.
Key words:  tubeimoside A  long-circulating liposomes  in vitro release  in vitro hemolysis assay