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CHEN Minchun,WU Lina,YAN Kangkang,XUE Fei,WANG Yan,LIU Shengyuan,GU Jianli,CAO Qing.Uncertainty Evaluation on Determination of Pirfenidone in Human Plasma by HPLC[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(8):953-957.
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陈敏纯, 吴利娜, 闫抗抗, 薛飞, 王焱, 刘生元, 谷建俐, 曹青
西北大学附属医院, 西安市第三医院, 西安 710018
目的 建立HPLC测定人血浆中吡非尼酮浓度的不确定度分析方法。方法 分析HPLC测定吡非尼酮浓度的全过程,分析测量不确定度的来源和大小,量化各个测量不确定度分量,合成标准测量不确定度并报告扩展测量不确定度。结果 人血浆中低浓度(0.511 0 mg·mL-1)、中浓度(2.038 mg·mL-1)和高浓度(19.95 mg·mL-1)的扩展不确定度分别为0.105 1,0.137 6,1.069 mg·mL-1P=95%)。结论 本方法不确定度来自标准曲线的拟合,其适用于HPLC测定人血浆吡非尼酮的不确定度评定。
关键词:  高效液相色谱法  吡非尼酮  不确定度
Uncertainty Evaluation on Determination of Pirfenidone in Human Plasma by HPLC
CHEN Minchun, WU Lina, YAN Kangkang, XUE Fei, WANG Yan, LIU Shengyuan, GU Jianli, CAO Qing
Xi'an No.3 Hospital, the Affiliated Hospital of Northwest University, Xi'an 710018, China
OBJECTIVE To establish the measurement uncertainty in determination of pirfenidone in plasma by HPLC. METHODS The various factors influencing the uncertainty in the whole process of determination, were all analyzed and estimated. The uncertainty of each variable was calculated. The expanded uncertainties and combined uncertainty were analyzed with all the components. RESULTS The expanded uncertainty for low(0.511 0 mg·mL-1), medium(2.038 mg·mL-1) and high(19.95 mg·mL-1) level of pirfenidone were 0.105 1, 0.137 6, 1.069 mg·mL-1, respectively(P=95%). CONCLUSION The uncertainly of the method is mainly caused by the calibration curve. The method is applicable for the uncertainty evaluation of pirfenidone determination in human plasma by HPLC.
Key words:  HPLC  pirfenidone  uncertainty