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ZHANG Wei,SHI Si,WU Xun,PAN Jiaxing,OU Xiaoyang,LU Zhiling.Study on the Solution of False Positive Results for the Determination of Aflatoxin in Cassiae Semen[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(18):2290-2294.
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张伟, 施思, 伍勋, 潘佳星, 欧晓阳, 卢智玲
杭州市食品药品检验研究院, 杭州 310017
目的 探索决明子黄曲霉毒素检测中假阳性的解决方法。方法 采用1%吐温-20的磷酸盐缓冲溶液洗脱除杂,免疫亲和柱净化-高效液相色谱柱后光化学衍生测定,以延胡索药材作为阳性样品进行比较考察,并用HPLC-MS/MS进行验证。结果 该溶液能有效去除决明子中假阳性成分干扰,并能去除延胡索样品中的有色成分,且不影响黄曲霉毒素在免疫亲和柱中的保留。结论 该方法操作简便、结果稳定可靠,能有效排除假阳性干扰,可用于复杂基质中药的前处理,作为黄曲霉毒素测定中假阳性的解决方法。
关键词:  决明子  黄曲霉毒素  假阳性
Study on the Solution of False Positive Results for the Determination of Aflatoxin in Cassiae Semen
ZHANG Wei, SHI Si, WU Xun, PAN Jiaxing, OU Xiaoyang, LU Zhiling
Hangzhou Institute for Food and Drug Control, Hangzhou 310017, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the solution of false positive in the detection of aflatoxin in Cassiae Semen. METHODS The impurities were eluted with 1% Tween-20 PBS solution, purified by immunoaffinity column and determined by photochemical derivatization after HPLC. The medicinal materials of Corydalis Rhizoma were compared and verified by HPLC-MS/MS. RESULTS The solution could effectively remove the interference of false positive components in Cassiae Semen, and could remove the colored components in Corydalis Rhizoma samples, and did not affect the retention of aflatoxin in immune affinity column. CONCLUSION The method is simple, stable and reliable. It can be used for the pretreatment of complex matrix samples, eliminate the interference of false positive. It can be used as a solution to the false positive in the determination of aflatoxin.
Key words:  Cassiae Semen  aflatoxin  false positive