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ZHANG Xiaonan,WEI Huizhen,ZHANG Dan,YANG Lei,XIAO Liujun,DING Ruowen,RAO Yi.Study on Fingerprint of Persicae Semen Before and After Processing Based on Stoichiometric Analysis[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(8):971-976.
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张晓男1, 魏惠珍1,2, 张丹1, 杨磊1, 肖柳君1, 丁若雯1, 饶毅1,2
1.江西中医药大学药学院, 南昌 330004;2.中药固体制剂制造技术国家工程研究中心, 南昌 330006
目的 建立桃仁炮制前、后HPLC指纹图谱,比较桃仁炮制前后的质量差异以及桃仁与种皮的差异。方法 采用高效液相色谱法测定桃仁饮片(生桃仁、燀桃仁、炒桃仁)各10批的指纹图谱,使用"中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价系统(2012.130723版)"进行相似度评价,并采用SIMCA统计软件对结果进行偏最小二乘法判别分析。结果 生桃仁、燀桃仁、炒桃仁HPLC指纹图谱均含8个共有峰、种皮HPLC指纹图谱含有6个共有峰,相对应的指纹图谱相似度均>0.90。统计结果显示桃仁饮片炮制前、后的指纹图谱可明显区分,并揭示了对此区分贡献最大的4个潜在标志性色谱峰。结论 该方法准确、稳定,反映了桃仁饮片炮制前后以及桃仁与种皮的差异性,为桃仁饮片临床用药、质量控制提供一定的参考。
关键词:  桃仁  炮制  指纹图谱  高效液相色谱法  偏最小二乘法判别分析
Study on Fingerprint of Persicae Semen Before and After Processing Based on Stoichiometric Analysis
ZHANG Xiaonan1, WEI Huizhen1,2, ZHANG Dan1, YANG Lei1, XIAO Liujun1, DING Ruowen1, RAO Yi1,2
1.School of Pharmacy, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China;2.The National Engineering Research Center for Solid Preparation in Chinese Herbal Medicine, Nanchang 330006, China
OBJECTIVE To establish HPLC fingerprint of persicae semen before and after processing, and compare the quality difference of persicae semen before and after processing, and the difference between persicae semen and seed coat. METHODS HPLC was adopted to construct each of 10 batches the fingerprint of persicae semen decoction pieces(raw persicae semens, processing persicae semens, stir-baked persicae semens). The software "Chinese medicine chromatographic fingerprint similarity evaluation system(version 2012.130723)" was used similarity evaluation, and the statistical software SIMCA was used to PLS-DA. RESULTS The fingerprint of raw persicae semens, processing persicae semens, stir-baked persicae semens all contained eight common peaks. The fingerprint of persicae semen seed coat contained six common peaks. And the similarity of fingerprints were >0.90. The statistical results showed that the fingerprints before and after processing could be clearly distinguished, and revealed the four potential marker peaks that contributed most to this distinction. CONCLUSION The method is accurate and stable, which not only reflects the difference of persicae semen decoction pieces before and after processing, but also provides some reference for clinical medication and quality control of persicae semen decoction pieces.
Key words:  persicae semen  processing  fingerprint  HPLC  PLS-DA