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TAN Xiaoqing,LIU Buming,HUANG Yan,HU Xiaoxi,HUANG Yunfeng,CHAI Ling.Study on Liposoluble Constituents from Glochidion Sphaerogynum (Muell. Arg.) Kurz and Its Antioxidant Activities[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(2):196-200.
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谭小青1, 刘布鸣1,2, 黄艳1, 胡筱希1, 黄云峰1, 柴玲1
1.广西中医药研究院, 广西 南宁 530022;2.广西中药质量标准研究重点实验室, 广西 南宁 530022
目的 分析圆果算盘子的脂溶性成分及其抗氧化活性。方法 利用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术对圆果算盘子药材的脂溶性成分进行分析和鉴定,并通过标准质谱谱库的计算机检索进行化学成分定性;采用清除DPPH自由基及ABTS+自由基能力的方法对圆果算盘子的脂溶性成分进行抗氧化活性研究。结果 从圆果算盘子的脂溶性成分中共鉴定出47个成分,同时抗氧化结果显示圆果算盘子的脂溶性成分对DPPH自由基及ABTS+自由基的半数清除浓度IC50分别为1.103,0.726 mg·mL-1结论 圆果算盘子的脂溶性成分主要为脂肪酸类化合物及醇类,均为首次从该植物中鉴定出;其脂溶性成分具有一定的抗氧化活性。
关键词:  圆果算盘子  脂溶性成分  气相色谱-质谱联用  抗氧化活性
Study on Liposoluble Constituents from Glochidion Sphaerogynum (Muell. Arg.) Kurz and Its Antioxidant Activities
TAN Xiaoqing1, LIU Buming1,2, HUANG Yan1, HU Xiaoxi1, HUANG Yunfeng1, CHAI Ling1
1.Guangxi Institute of Chinese Medicine & Pharmaceutical Science, Nanning 530022, China;2.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Stardands, Nanning 530022, China
OBJECTIVE To analyze the components and antioxidant activites of the liposoluble constituents from Glochidion sphaerogynum (Muell. Arg.) Kurz. METHODS The liposoluble constituents from Glochidion sphaerogynum (Muell. Arg.) Kurz were analyzed by GC-MS and identified by the searching of standard mass spectral library on computer. The antioxidant activites were detected by DPPH free radical and ABTS+ free radical scavenging method. RESULTS The 47 compounds were identified from Glochidion sphaerogynum (Muell. Arg.) Kurz, and the half elimination ratio(IC50) of scavenging activity of free radical in DPPH and ABTS+ were 1.103, 0.726 mg·mL-1. CONCLUSION Unsaturated fatty acid and phytol are major chemical constituents of the liposoluble constituents from Glochidion sphaerogynum (Muell. Arg.) Kurz. All the compounds were identified from this plant for the first time. The liposoluble constituents possessed antioxidant activites.
Key words:  Glochidion sphaerogynum (Muell. Arg.) Kurz  liposoluble constituents  GC-MS  antioxidant activities