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HAN Ying,ZENG Wenshan,RUAN Weiting,LI Xin,KONG Qixian.Study on Rapid Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Model of Chondroitin Sulfate Eye Drops by Raman Spectroscopy[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(22):2759-2763.
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韩莹, 曾文珊, 阮玮婷, 李欣, 孔绮娴
广州市药品检验所, 广州 510160
目的 利用拉曼光谱法建立硫酸软骨素滴眼液定性和定量快速分析模型,并研究提高模型预测能力。方法 以硫酸软骨素标准拉曼光谱为参考光谱,在RFDI软件中设置干扰光谱、谱段范围、预处理方式等参数,建立定性分析模型;选取代表性样品23批作为参考光谱,关联硫酸软骨素含量测定数据以交叉检验方式建立定量分析模型。结果 利用所建定性模型测试硫酸软骨素滴眼液样品,其中39批单方样品为通过,4批复方样品为不通过;得到定量模型结果交叉验证均方根误差为1.43 mg·mL-1、相关系数为0.985 4;浓度范围为26.19~35.85 mg·mL-1结论 利用拉曼光谱法可建立硫酸软骨素滴眼液定性模型,准确性高,分析速度快;依据可靠的实验室含量分析数据,可以建立硫酸软骨素滴眼液定量模型快速分析主成分硫酸软骨素的含量,在现场快速检测样品中得到实际应用。
关键词:  拉曼光谱  硫酸软骨素滴眼液  定性  定量
Study on Rapid Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Model of Chondroitin Sulfate Eye Drops by Raman Spectroscopy
HAN Ying, ZENG Wenshan, RUAN Weiting, LI Xin, KONG Qixian
Guangzhou Institute for Drug Control, Guangzhou 510160, China
OBJECTIVE To establish a rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis model of chondroitin sulfate eye drops by Raman spectroscopy, and to improve the prediction ability of the model. METHODS The standard Raman spectra of chondroitin sulfate were used as reference spectra, and the interference spectra, spectral range and pretreatment methods were set up in RFDI software to establish the qualitative analysis model. Twenty-three batches of representative samples were selected as the reference spectra, and the quantitative analysis model was established by cross-examination based on the determination data of chondroitin sulfate content. RESULTS The established qualitative model was used to test chondroitin sulfate eye drops. Thirty nine batches of single samples passed and 4 batches of compound samples failed. The cross validation of the quantitative model results showed that the root mean square error was 1.43 mg·mL-1, the correlation coefficient was 0.985 4, and the concentration range was 26.19-35.85 mg·mL-1. CONCLUSION Raman spectroscopy can be used to establish a qualitative model of chondroitin sulfate eye drops with high accuracy and fast analysis speed. Based on reliable laboratory content analysis data, a quantitative model of chondroitin sulfate eye drops can be established to rapidly analyze the content of chondroitin sulfate, which can used in rapid identification and determination.
Key words:  Raman spectra  chondroitin sulfate eye drops  qualitative  quantitative