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LIU Ling,TAO Song,XU Juan,ZHOU Lei,TAO Zhen,WANG Chao.Application of PDCA Cycle in Shortening Patients' Waiting Time for Drugs[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(22):2797-2802.
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刘玲1, 陶松2, 徐娟1, 周蕾1, 陶珍1, 王超1
1.江西省人民医院药学部, 南昌 330006;2.南昌大学第一附属医院药学部, 南昌 330006
目的 引入PDCA循环作为缩短门诊药房患者取药时间的方法,进而提升门诊药房服务质量,提升患者满意度。方法 采用PDCA循环管理模式,调查江西省人民医院2019年1月—5月实施PDCA前后门诊药房患者取药时间,分析影响患者取药时间的原因,制定对策,实施全方位精细化管理,对实施效果进行评价。结果 门诊药房患者取药时间由原来的6 min降至2.65 min,进步率达到了55.83%。结论 PDCA循环的开展可有效减少工作中存在的问题,优化调剂流程,减少取药等候时间,提高工作效率,改善服务态度,降低处方调剂差错,使门诊日常调剂工作更加准确高效,提高了患者满意度。
关键词:  PDCA循环  门诊药房  取药时间  患者满意度
Application of PDCA Cycle in Shortening Patients' Waiting Time for Drugs
LIU Ling1, TAO Song2, XU Juan1, ZHOU Lei1, TAO Zhen1, WANG Chao1
1.Department of Pharmacy, Jiangxi Provincial People's Hospital, Nanchang 330006, China;2.Department of Pharmacy, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, China
OBJECTIVE To introduce PDCA cycle as a theory and method to reduce patients’ waiting time for getting drugs from outpatient pharmacy, enhance the quality of Jiangxi pharmaceutical care and improve patients’ satisfaction. METHODS According to the PDCA cycle, existing problems of Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital were found in dispensing from January to May 2019, and the causes were analyzed. Then, formulated preventive measures, and evaluated the implementation effect. RESULTS Average waiting time for getting drugs decreased from 6 min to 2.65 min with the rate of goal achievement of 55.83%. CONCLUSION The development of PDCA cycle can effectively reduce the problems in the work, optimize the dispensing process, reduce waiting time, improve work efficiency, improve service attitude, reduce the error rate of prescription dispensing, make the daily dispensing work more accurate and efficient, and improve patient satisfaction.
Key words:  PDCA cycle  outpatient pharmacy  waiting time for drugs  patients’ satisfaction