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WANG Yutuan,XING Sheng.Research and Analysis of Pinellia Rhizoma and Typhonii Flagelliformi Rhizoma Based on Proteomics Technology[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(14):1708-1711.
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王玉团, 邢晟
山东省食品药品检验研究院, 山东省食品药品安全检测工程技术研究中心, 济南 250101
目的 基于蛋白质组学技术对半夏和水半夏进行研究,为正确用药提供支持。方法 将半夏和水半夏进行酶解,通过纳升级液相色谱质谱联用方法进行多肽分离及质谱数据采集,采用蛋白质比对软件进行数据处理。结果 两者的多肽图谱具有一定的相似性,在14,19,52和55 min附近均有响应很强的色谱峰,在32和43 min附近两者色谱图有明显的不同。半夏中多肽种类更加丰富,有1 346种,比水半夏多312种。半夏和水半夏两者共有的多肽数为296种,共有多肽种类占总多肽种类数分别为22%和29%。含量前10的蛋白质9个是相同的,且主要为凝集素蛋白质,但相对含量差异显著。结论 两者主要多肽及蛋白质在种类和相对含量方面存在明显差异,临床上水半夏不能盲目替代半夏使用。
关键词:  半夏  水半夏  蛋白质组  多肽
Research and Analysis of Pinellia Rhizoma and Typhonii Flagelliformi Rhizoma Based on Proteomics Technology
WANG Yutuan, XING Sheng
Shandong Institute for Food and Drug Control, Shandong Research Center of Engineering and Technology for Safety Inspection of Food and Drug, Jinan 250101, China
OBJECTIVE To provide support for proper medication by researching Pinellia Rhizoma and Typhonii Flagelliformi Rhizoma based on proteomics technology. METHODS Pinellia Rhizoma and Typhonii Flagelliformi Rhizoma were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis, peptide separation and mass spectrometry data collection were performed by nanoliter liquid phase mass spectrometry, and data processing was performed using protein comparison software. RESULTS The two polypeptide profiles were similar to each other, and there were strong absorption peaks near 14, 19, 52 and 55 min, and the chromatograms of the two peptides were significantly different around 32 and 43 min. There were 1 346 kinds of polypeptides in Pinellia Rhizoma, and 312 species more in Pinellia Rhizoma than in Typhonii Flagelliformi Rhizoma. About 296 kinds of polypeptides were the same in Pinellia Rhizoma and Typhonii Flagelliformi Rhizoma, the same polypeptides were 22% and 29% of the total species respectively. Nine of the top 10 proteins were the same, and they were mainly lectin proteins, but the relative contents were significantly different. CONCLUSION There are significant differences in the kinds and relative contents of the main polypeptides and proteins between them, Typhonii Flagelliformi Rhizoma could not replace Pinellia Rhizoma blindly in clinical practice.
Key words:  Pinellia Rhizoma  Typhonii Flagelliformi Rhizoma  proteome  polypeptide