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FANG Lingzhi,CAO Gexi,GUAN Liye,ZHANG Yue,DONG Zhanjun.Evidence-based Medical Analysis and Management of Off-label Use of Methotrexate in A Hospital's Outpatients[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(16):1993-1997.
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方灵芝, 曹格溪, 关丽叶, 张玥, 董占军
河北省人民医院药学部, 石家庄 050051
目的 通过循证医学的方法评价和规范甲氨蝶呤片的合理用药。方法 回顾性调取河北省人民医院2018年1月-2019年6月甲氨蝶呤片门诊处方1 011张,对超说明书用药的处方进行分类统计,并通过Micromedex的Thomson分级系统进行评价,根据评价结果给出超说明书用药的推荐意见及干预措施。结果 甲氨蝶呤片超说明书使用的主要类型为超适应证用药,占比90.7%,其次为超单次剂量,占比37.4%,发生率最高的科室为风湿免疫科;发生率排名前3的临床诊断为类风湿性关节炎,其次为原发性干燥综合征、皮肌炎。据超说明书用药的循证分析结果及笔者所在医院超说明书管理制度,超适应证用药的临床诊断共4种,同意使用的有3种,限制使用的1种;超适应证同时超单次剂量用药的临床诊断有6种,同意使用的6种;超单次剂量用药的临床诊断有1种,评价结果为同意使用。结论 甲氨蝶呤片超说明书用药现象普遍存在,须严格执行超说明书用药管理制度,促进临床合理用药。
关键词:  甲氨蝶呤  循证医学  超说明书
Evidence-based Medical Analysis and Management of Off-label Use of Methotrexate in A Hospital's Outpatients
FANG Lingzhi, CAO Gexi, GUAN Liye, ZHANG Yue, DONG Zhanjun
Department of Pharmacy, Hebei People's Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050051, China
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the clinical use and standardize rational drug use of methotrexate through evidenced-based medicine. METHODS A retrospective survey of 1 011 prescription for methotrexate tablets from outpatient of Hebei People's Hospital from January 2018 to June 2019 was conducted. The prescription in which methotrexate was used off-label were categorized and evaluated by Thomson grading system of Micromedex. According to the results of evaluation, the recommendations and intervention measures of off-label use were given out. RESULTS The main type of off-label use of methotrexate tablets was super indication, accounting for 90.7%, followed by super single dose, accounting for 37.4%, the highest incidence department was rheumatology. The top three clinical diagnoses were rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's, dermatomyositis. According to the hospital's off-label management system, analyzing evidence-based medical evidence, there were 4 types of extra-indication which 3 types were agreed to use, and one type was limited use. Six types of extra-indication and over single use at the same time were agreed to use. A type of over single was agreed to use. CONCLUSION It is a widespread phenomenon of the off-label use of methotrexate tablets. It must be strictly implement off label management system to promote safe medication.
Key words:  methotrexate  evidence-based medicine  off-label