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ZHANG Lijun,WU Yingying,WU Jinjin,SHI Senlin.Study on in Vitro Release and Bioadhesion of Breviscapine Temperature-sensitive Nasal in Situ Gel[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(23):2863-2867.
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张利竣1, 吴盈盈2, 吴瑾瑾1, 石森林1
1.浙江中医药大学, 杭州 310053;2.绍兴市人民医院, 浙江 绍兴 312000
目的 对自制灯盏花素温敏型鼻用原位凝胶的质量进行评价。方法 分别用振荡透析法考察原位凝胶的体外释放度;用蟾蜍上颚黏膜纤毛的输送速率和大鼠鼻腔滞留时间对原位凝胶生物黏附性进行评价。结果 灯盏花素温敏型原位凝胶符合鼻腔给药的要求,体外释放结果显示4 h时灯盏花素温敏凝胶累积释放量约50%,12 h累积释放量约90%;蟾蜍上颚黏膜纤毛输送速率与灯盏花素在大鼠鼻腔内滞留时间的考察均显示灯盏花素温敏凝胶具有生物黏附性。结论 灯盏花素温敏原位凝胶释放较完全,具有较好的生物黏附性,在鼻内的滞留时间明显延长。
关键词:  灯盏花素  温敏型  原位凝胶  释放度  黏附性
Study on in Vitro Release and Bioadhesion of Breviscapine Temperature-sensitive Nasal in Situ Gel
ZHANG Lijun1, WU Yingying2, WU Jinjin1, SHI Senlin1
1.Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China;2.Shaoxing People's Hospital, Shaoxing 312000, China
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the quality of the homemade breviscapine temperature-sensitive nasal in situ gel. METHODS In vitro release of the in situ gel was examined by resonance dialysis, and the bioadhesion of the in situ gel was evaluated by the transport rate of the toad maxillary mucosa cilia and the nasal retention time in rats. RESULTS Breviscapine temperature-sensitive in situ gel met the requirements of nasal administration. In vitro release results showed that the cumulative release of breviscapine temperature-sensitive gel was about 50% at 4 h and the cumulative release was about 90% at 12 h. The investigation of transport rate of the toad maxillary mucosa cilia and breviscapine retention time in rat nasal cavity showed that breviscapine temperature-sensitive gel had bioadhesion. CONCLUSION The breviscapine temperature-sensitive in situ gel releases is complete, it has good bioadhesion, and the retention time in the nose is significantly longer.
Key words:  breviscapine  temperature-sensitive  in situ gel  release  adhesion