引用本文: | 陈子隽,段猷琼,李金洲,魏江存,阙祖亮,庞丹清,刘玟君,黄周艳,陈勇.瑶药水石榴的质量标准研究[J].中国现代应用药学,2021,38(1):8-13. |
| CHEN Zijun,DUAN Youqiong,LI Jinzhou,WEI Jiangcun,QUE Zuliang,PANG Danqing,LIU Wenjun,HUANG Zhouyan,CHEN Yong.Study on Quality Standard of Yao Medicine Combretum Alfredii Hance[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(1):8-13. |
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瑶药水石榴的质量标准研究 |
陈子隽1, 段猷琼2, 李金洲3, 魏江存4, 阙祖亮2, 庞丹清2, 刘玟君2, 黄周艳2, 陈勇2
1.桂林南药股份有限公司, 广西 桂林 541000;2.广西中医药大学, 南宁 530001;3.桂林市人民医院, 广西 桂林 541000;4.广西国际壮医医院, 南宁 530022
摘要: |
目的 建立瑶药水石榴的质量标准。方法 建立瑶药水石榴的性状、显微特征、薄层鉴别及含量测定方法;根据中国药典2015年版第四部通则中的方法对瑶药水石榴的水分、灰分、酸不溶性灰分及浸出物等项目进行测定。结果 瑶药水石榴在性状、显微特征和薄层色谱方面均具有专属性特征。药材水分含量为7.38%~12.25%,灰分含量为5.81%~10.69%,酸不溶物含量为0.09%~3.87%,浸出物为18.91%~32.29%。异荭草苷在2.750 4~45.8 μg·mL-1(r=0.999 97)内线性关系良好,平均加样回收率为104.6%。10批药材样品中异荭草苷的含量为0.010 5%~0.139 0%。结论 建立的水石榴药材质量标准具有很好的专属性和准确性,研究结果可为瑶药水石榴质量标准的建立及其药材的推广使用提供科学依据。 |
关键词: 瑶药|水石榴|质量标准|含量测定 |
DOI:10.13748/j.cnki.issn1007-7693.2021.01.002 |
分类号:R284.1 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(81660701);广西壮族自治区瑶药材质量标准(第二卷)质量评价与标准研究项目(YJJ17003);广西中药药效研究重点实验室(省级)(17-259-20-A5);广西中医药大学赛恩斯新医药学院2018年大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201813643055);广西一流学科建设项目重点课题(2018XK060);壮瑶药协同创新中心项目(桂教科研[2013]20号);广西壮瑶药重点实验室(桂科基字[2014]32号);广西高校中药提取纯化与质量分析重点实验室(桂教科研[2014]6号) |
Study on Quality Standard of Yao Medicine Combretum Alfredii Hance |
CHEN Zijun1, DUAN Youqiong2, LI Jinzhou3, WEI Jiangcun4, QUE Zuliang2, PANG Danqing2, LIU Wenjun2, HUANG Zhouyan2, CHEN Yong2
1.Guilin Pharmaceutical, Guilin 541000, China;2.Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning 530001, China;3.Guilin People's Hospital, Guilin 541000, China;4.Guangxi International Zhuang Medicine Hospital, Nanning 530022, China
Abstract: |
OBJECTIVE To establish the quality standard of Yao medicine Combretum alfredii Hance. METHODS The identification of medicinal properties, microscopic characteristics, TLC and content determination method of Yao medicine Combretum alfredii Hance was conducted. The moisture, ash, acid insoluble ash and extract of Combretum alfredii Hance were determined according to Chinese Pharmacopoeia(Volume IV), 2015. RESULTS Combretum alfredii Hance under forest exhibited specific properties in characteristics, microscopic features and TLC results. The Yao medicine Combretum alfredii Hance moisture was 7.38%-12.25%, total ash was 5.81%-10.69%, acid insoluble ash was 0.09%-3.87% and extract was 18.91%-32.29%. Isoorientin had a good linear relationship in 2.750 4-45.8 μg·mL-1(r=0.999 97), and the average recovery rate was 104.6%. The content of isoorbitin in the 10 batches of medicinal materials ranged from 0.010 5%-0.139 0%. CONCLUSION The established quality standard of Combretum alfredii Hance has good specificity and accuracy. The experimental results can provide a scientific basis for the establishment of the quality standard, promotion and utilization of Yao medicine Combretum alfredii Hance. |
Key words: Yao medicine|Combretum alfredii Hance|quality standard|content determination |