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ZHANG Lian.Discussion on Classification of Chinese Crude Drugs Processing Methods in “General Principles for Processing” of Chinese Pharmacopoeia[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(18):2287-2290.
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北京市药品认证管理中心, 北京 100053
目的 探讨全国通用的中药炮制方法分类。方法 对传统炮制文献、中国药典2015年版以及各省炮制规范进行归纳分析,汇总目前炮制通则中炮制方法分类存在的问题,并提出建议。结果与结论 中药炮制方法的分类应以炮制技术为核心,结合传统炮制文献并满足现代中药实际生产需要。通过分类汇总将炮制通则中的炮制方法划分为“净制”“切制”“炒制”“煅制”“蒸煮制”和“其他”6类,既统筹中药生产的共性,也兼顾中药的地区炮制特色。建立全国通用的炮制通则,充分给予企业生产自主权,激发企业活力,促进中药在全国范围内流通使用。
关键词:  中国药典  中药  炮制通则  炮制方法
Discussion on Classification of Chinese Crude Drugs Processing Methods in “General Principles for Processing” of Chinese Pharmacopoeia
Beijing Center for Drug Certification Management, Beijing 100053, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the national universal classification of processing methods for Chinese crude drugs. METHODS Making recommendations for improving the classification of processing methods for Chinese crude drugs in the General Principles for Processing of Chinese Pharmacopoeia by reviewing and analyzing the traditional processing methods documents, the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2015 Edition, and the processing standards of Chinese crude drugs of various provinces. RESULTS & CONCLUSION Based on the processing technology, the classification of processing methods for Chinese crude drugs should pay equal attention to both the processing methods in literature and the practical needs in the current Chinese crude drugs production. The processing methods in the General Principles for Processing were classified into six categories:cleaning, cutting, stir-frying, calcining, steaming and boiling and others, which not only reflects the commonality of Chinese crude drugs production, but also takes into account regional characteristics. By establishing the General Principles for Processing applicable to all Chinese crude drugs production, manufacturers will obtain adequate autonomy and regain vitality, which will promote the distribution and use of Chinese crude drugs nationwide.
Key words:  Chinese Pharmacopoeia  Chinese crude drugs  general principles for the processing  processing methods