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QI Yanfei,GUO Zengxi,CHEN Jue,JING Zhangzhao.Interpretation of Some Contents Stop Execution and Corrigendum of Zhejiang Provincial Standards of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs 2015 Edition[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(4):486-488.
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戚雁飞1, 郭增喜1, 陈珏2, 金樟照2
1.浙江省食品药品检验研究院, 国家药品监督管理局中成药质量评价重点实验室, 杭州 310052;2.浙江省药品监督管理局, 杭州 310012
目的 概要介绍《浙江省中药炮制规范》2015年版停止执行的部分内容和勘误,并解读其修订原因。方法 从修订工作的背景、基本原则、基本要求和修订内容等方面进行介绍。结果 停止执行了21种粉类饮片,对20余个品种的标准和1项附录内容进行勘误。结论 修订后的《浙江省中药炮制规范》2015年版成为更契合浙江省中医药发展需要的具有鲜明特色的地方标准。
关键词:  《浙江省中药炮制规范》2015年版  停止执行  勘误
Interpretation of Some Contents Stop Execution and Corrigendum of Zhejiang Provincial Standards of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs 2015 Edition
QI Yanfei1, GUO Zengxi1, CHEN Jue2, JING Zhangzhao2
1.Zhejiang Institute for Food and Drug Control, NMPA Key Laboratory for Quality Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine), Hangzhou 310052, China;2.Zhejiang Medical Products Administration, Hangzhou 310012, China
OBJECTIVE To introduce the general situation about some contents that have been abolished and corrigendum of Zhejiang Provincial Standards of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs 2015 edition, and explain the reason for its revision. METHODS Introduced from the background, basic principles, basic requirements and revised contents of the revision. RESULTS Twenty one kinds of power Chinese Herbal pieces were abolished, the standards of more than 20 varieties and an appendix were errata. CONCLUSION The revised Zhejiang Provincial Standards of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs 2015 edition become a distinctive local standards that more in line with the development needs of traditional Chinese medicine in Zhejiang province.
Key words:  Zhejiang Provincial Standards of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs 2015 edition  stop execution  corrigendum