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JIAO Chunxiang,ZHANG Chenggui,LIU Guangming,LI Shunan.Analysis of Protein Content in Xinmailong Injection by Standard Addition Methods of Second Derivative Spectrum Method[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(4):338-341.
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焦春香, 张成桂, 刘光明, 李树楠
大理学院药学院,云南 大理 671000
目的 检测心脉隆注射液中的蛋白质含量。方法 运用Bradford法检测心脉隆注射液蛋白质的含量,并结合二阶导数光谱-标准加入法排除干扰。结果 利用二阶导数光谱-标准加入法建立了一个测量蛋白质浓度的通用标准曲线,并以此为基础检测到心脉隆注射液中存在蛋白质,含量约为0.15 mg·mL-1结论 二阶导数光谱-标准加入法可以准确测定心脉隆注射液中蛋白质含量。
关键词:  心脉隆注射液  标准加入法  二阶导数光谱  蛋白质含量
Analysis of Protein Content in Xinmailong Injection by Standard Addition Methods of Second Derivative Spectrum Method
JIAO Chunxiang, ZHANG Chenggui, LIU Guangming, LI Shunan
School of Pharmaceutical Science, Dali College, Dali 671000, China
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the protein content in Xinmailong injection. METHODS The protein content in Xinmailong injection was measured by Bradford assay connected with standard addition method of second derivative spectrum method to exclude interference. RESULTS The present study was conducted to elucidate that the protein content of about 0.15 mg·mL-1 present in Xinmailong injection and a common standard curve to detect the content present in protein by standard addition methods of second derivative spectrum method was established. CONCLUSION The protein content in Xinmailong injection could be evaluate accurately by the method of Bradford assay connected with standard addition method of second derivative spectrum method.
Key words:  Xinmailong injection  standard addition method  second derivative spectrum method  protein content